Revert to Owner Process

Revert to Owner Process

Description of Issue

For accounts where the owner or landlord will be resuming responsibility once the customer moves out.


  • Utilities

  • UB Customers

  • Move In

  • Move Out

  • Revert to Owner




Navigate to: Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Master Programs > Utilities

Using the Revert to Owner button:

  1. Select the Customer ID who is not the Owner.

  2. Select the Revert to Owner button. This brings up the Revert to Owner screen.

  3. Select Define.

  4. Complete the fields, as required.

  5. Press Tab on the keyboard to move to the Work Order section.

  6. Complete the work order details.

  7. In the Current and Owner Services group, update the service details for the ownership change.

  8. Click Process.
    If the Customer ID is moving to another utility account and the fields in the Transfer group have been completed, select Pending Transfer. The program brings up the account the Customer ID is moving, with a list of the current Customer IDs for that account.

  9. Select the Customer ID being replacing, and click Accept. This brings up the Create Pending process for the next account. 

    1. Once the process is completed for both accounts, add the miscellaneous service charge to the Owner.

      1. If transferring the Customer ID using the Create Pending process, add the deposit and miscellaneous service fees to the customer.

  10. Click Back to close the program and return to the Utilities program.

If planning on using the Move In process, ensure Revert to Owner checkbox is selected in the UB Customer program.

  1. In Utilities, Search for account you wish to ensure reverts back to the Owner.

  2. Select the Customer ID on the account that holds the Utilities.

  3. Select the View/Modify Account button

  4. Look to see if the the Revert to Owner check box is selected. If not selected:

    1. Select Update

    2. Check the Revert to Owner checkbox

    3. Select Accept

  5. Select Back to return to the Utilities program

  6. Repeated the process on the Owner account and any other Customer ID on the account the Services may be attached to.

If done correctly, this will direct the program to return all services to the account owner during the move-out process.

Additional Information

To Revert to Owner, the person being reverted to must be set to Owner, but the Customer ID it is being reverted from can be any Relation that is not an Owner.

If two Owners only, the Revert to Owner process will not work as it is already under an Owner.

If Customer ID does not have Services in their name, but Revert to Owner is Selected, the error This action is available only for customers with services having a stop date greater than today will appear at the bottom of the screen.

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