Kansas Quarterly Unemployment Tax Reporting

Kansas Quarterly Unemployment Tax Reporting

Description of Issue

I need to report to the State of Kansas our quarterly unemployment tax based on total wages by employee. I also need a count by month for number of employee paid and I'm not sure how to get this info.  Is it in the Disability and Unemployment report and I'm just not seeing it?

  • Payroll

  • Kansas

  • KS

  • Disability and Unemployment Report




Use the ICESA option from the Disability and Unemployment Report program on the Kansas State-Specific menu.

  1. Navigate to HCM > Payroll > State-Specific > Midwest > Kansas > Disability and Unemployment Report 

  2. Once the program loads, select ICESA Format from the toolbar

  3. Select Define

  4. Fill in all required fields

  5. Select Accept

  6. Select a output option. When an output option is selected, two separate files are created - 

    1. The Submission file is saved to the Spool Directory with the following naming convention: prdunmag####.txt

    2. The hard copy proof report is printed, displayed or save to the Spool Directory, depending on the output option selected.  If Saved, the file name is prdunrpt####.txt

The employee counts that you need to manually key when you upload the file are on the last page of the proof report.