How to Turn Off Job Based Accruals

Description of Issue

How do I remove the Job Class Field use in Employee Accruals?

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll

  • Employee Accruals

  • Payroll Control Settings



To turn off the setting:

  1. Navigate to Payroll Control Settings.  Human Capital Management/Payroll> Payroll> Payroll Setup> Payroll Control Settings

  2. Scroll to the General Category.

  3. Find the Job Based Accruals option.

  4. Highlight the line and Click Accept.

  5. Click Update and change the value to N.

  6. Click Accept.

In order to update existing Employee Accrual records to start using Accruals without Job Classes going forward, the changes will be a manual process. 

Once Job Based Accruals are turned off, there can only be one instance of an Accrual Type in Employee Accruals. If employees have multiple records for a single accrual type with different Job Classes defined, one will need to be deleted along with all the history. 

  1. Go to Employee Accruals (Payroll>Accrual Processing>Employee Accruals) 

  2. Search for an example that has two records with the same Accrual Type. Navigate to the record that can be deleted. 

    1. If the history for that type/table/job should be retained for records, click History in the toolbar. 

    2. Export all the history to Excel. Click Return back to the Accrual Header screen. 

  3. Click Delete in the toolbar. When the Delete prompt displays select Remove. 

    1. This will remove all the Accrual Record and all history for that Type, Table and Job. 

  4. On the existing record for the Accrual Type, click Update. 

  5. Remove the Job Class from the drop down. Click Accept. 

    1. All the history for that Type should now show no Job Class associated. 

  6. Steps 2-5 will need to be processed manually on each employee until only one instance of an Accrual Type exists and no Job Classes are referenced. 

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