Munis and TCM hybrid configuration

Munis and TCM hybrid configuration

Description of Issue

Munis is SaaS hosted and Tyler Content Manager (TCM) is on premise.

  • Munis

  • Tyler Content Manager (TCM)

  • Networking


  1. Gather the following information

    1. IP address of the on-premise TCM server

    2. Network Address Translation (NAT) IP address TCM server

  2. Navigate to Munis>System Administration>General Administration>TylerCM for Munis Settings 

  3. On the top ribbon click Update:

    1. Document Viewer URL: enter http://IP address of TCM server: HTTP port number/web app name

      1. Example:

    2. Base Web Service URL: enter http://NAT IP address/web app name/services/Document

      1. Example:

  4. Click Accept

  5. Click Master Password

  6. Click Rebuild TCM Caches

  7. If version does not appear, contact local IT and remote into TCM server to troubleshoot as normal

Additional Information

Please create a case with TSM Support for further assistance in the Support Portal.