Error selecting Appropriation account to post to when posting BUA

Description of Issue

Munis (bgamdent) Error selecting Appropriation account to post to when trying to post a BUA


Budget Transfers and Amendments


Appropriations control account has either not been added in Account Master yet for fund(s) on the BUA, or the account exists but is not flagged properly as Appropriations control. 


Appropriations control account will need to be added in Account Master, or if it is already there it will need to be flagged as a control account.

If you know the fund that is missing the control account:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set up/Chart of Accounts > Account Master

  1. Search for the account that should be the Appropriations control account for the specified fund

  2. If it exists, Click Update, scroll down to Balance Sheet section

    1. Closing Balance - verify that this is set correctly according to the type of Fund.

      1. Standard Annual funds and Multiyear funds that budget annually: this setting should say Close with the Budgetary fund balance unreserved undesignated control account number list in the Reference field)

      2. Multiyear funds that do not budget annually - this setting should be set to Carryforward

    2. Control Account - update this to Appropriation

  3. If the account does not exist

      1. Click Add to create the account that should be the Appropriations control

      2. Enter the Organization code, Object Code, Project Code.

        1. Verify it is listed as a Balance sheet, 

        2. Standard Annual funds and Multiyear funds that budget annually: this setting should say Close with the Budgetary fund balance unreserved undesignated control account number list in the Reference field)

        3. Multiyear funds that do not budget annually - this setting should be set to Carryforward

  4. Click Save

Additional Information

Standard Annual funds and Multiyear funds that budget annually - Appropriations control is hit with a balancing debit or credit every time a budget amendment is entered to an expense account. If it is missing, the system can't properly post the BUA resulting in the initial error message.Â