NYSLRS Generate Failed error - Cannot insert the value NULL into column ReportedEarningsCode

Description of Issue

Error Generating NYLRS Report.  Generate failed. 

Cannot insert the value NULL into column ReportedEarningsCode, table tempdb.dbo.#NewYorkNYLSRSEarnings.....column does not allow nulls.  INSERT fails

  • Payroll

  • New York

  • NYSLRS Report


New pay type setup but not crosswalked


Crosswalk the new pay code

  1. Select State Reporting Codes Program

  2. Select Crosswalk Codes

  3. Select Define

  4. Select SLRS Pay - NYSLRS Earnings code

  5. Select Accept

  6. Select Update and map the Munis Code to the NYSLRS Crosswalk Code

  7. Select Accept

  8. Return and generate the period records

Additional Information