Job opening is not included in Employment Opportunities XML feed

Description of Issue

A job opening is not showing on the Employment Opportunities XML feed

  • Employee Self Service

  • ESS

  • Employment Opportunities

  • Human Capital Management

  • Recruiting

  • Job Openings


Job Opening does not meet the correct criteria to be shown on the XML feed


To determine which jobs will be included in the feed ESS looks for the following criteria: 

  • Start date is less than or equal to today's date

  • End date is null or grater than today

  • Post type is either All or External and Third Party

  • Status field is New, Approved, First Interview, Second Interview, Accepted or Perpetual

  • Self Service Application form is selected in Application Field

  • The job must have a description coming from either the Job Opening Text, Job Class Text or Position Text to be included as it is required by

Additional Information