Budget Projection program error selecting table status 100

Budget Projection program error selecting table status 100

Description of Issue
  • "Budget Projection" program, I get the following error: Munis (pbprojmt) Eror selecting table - status: 100 System log ID: 245037

  • Error accessing Performance parameter record. Status 100

  • MUNIS (dpdepart)

Error selecting table - status: 100

  • pbprojmt

  • Performance Based Budgeting

  • Budget

  • Error

  • Status 100

  • pbdepart


Performance Based Budgeting is not a purchased program.

Trying to access budgeting using the wrong program.


Please go to Tyler Menu > Financials > Budget Processing > Define Start Budget Projection to begin using budgeting.

Please reach out to your Sales Representative to discuss purchasing the program. 

Additional Information

Performance Based Budgeting is not included in the purchase of the Enterprise ERP Financial products. This program is purchased separately and is not listed in the clients list of purchased products.

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