Are there specific things to be aware of when preparing budget for next year 2

Description of Issue

We are setting up projections for next year 2 - FY2023-2024. Our current year is 2021-2022. Are there any special conditions we should be aware of?

Will it cause any issues?

  • Next year budget Entry

  • Budget Preparation

  • Next year 2

  • Budget


Beginning budget preparation for next year 2. 


A projection can be created for any year, the year is defined on the projection in Define Start Budget projection. However, things to keep in mind:

  1. Post to master for reports should not be run for the Next year 2 projection. That process only updates Next year 1 amounts.

  2. If budget import is used MUNIS, will not allow the projection year to be Next year 2. The Import function will currently only allow the use of Next year 1 to be used. Once the projection is imported, please go to Define Start Budget Projection, pull up the projection, Click Edit, Update the year as needed and Click save.

  3. It is the year in Define start budget that will tell MUNIS what header columns to display in NY Budget entry as well as on the NY Budget Reports so making sure that Year is correct is very important.

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