Add Charge Code to Exemption Code

Description of Issue

Need to add a Charge Code or Codes to an Exemption Code so that it has Exemption Charges.

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Exemption Codes (arexdmnt) 

The Charge Code or Codes were never added to the Exemption Code. 

  1. Navigate to the Exemption Codes program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Setup > Exemption Codes
  2. Click Search. 
  3. Enter the Code that needs to have a Charge Code or Charge Codes added to it. 
  4. Click Accept. 
  5. Click Exemption Charges in the top ribbon. 
  6. Click Add. 
  7. Enter the Year and Charge. (Note: Only charge codes with the activity type of 'PRIN' can be added. If the desired year and charge combination does not exist, the charge code may need to be copied from the prior year using the steps found here: How to Copy Charge Codes to New Fiscal Year Or added to the year using the steps found here: Add a Charge Code)
  8. Click Accept. 
  9. The Exemption Code now has a Charge Code or Charge Codes and will only affect that charge or those charges. 
Additional Information
  • If an Exemption Charge is added and needs to be deleted, please follow the steps outlined here: Delete Charge Code From an Exemption Code
  • Adding a Charge Code to an Exemption Code causes that exemption or abatement to only affect the added charge or charges. 
  • If additional assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.Â