Enterprise Service Request geofencing using JSON files
Enterprise Service Request geofencing using JSON files
Description of Issue
Setup to consider when importing a JSON file for geofencing
- Enterprise Service Requests
- Tyler 311
When creating the JSON file consider the following:
- Needs to have longitude & latitude points
- Top level part must be a feature collection type
- Can only be one feature and type must be "Feature"
- Can only have one geometry inside of that feature
- Recommended to use a polygon (or a multi-polygon)
- Must follow a right-hand rule so points go in a clockwise motion around the polygon
- Properties section can be blank
- To review your JSON file for validation and look at the imagery go to https://geojsonlint.com/ to validate the JSON file
When importing into ESR consider the following:
- Administration > System Settings > Mapping tab > Global Geofencing section at very bottom. If a restriction is added, when a request is entered the system will determine if the location falls within that boundary.
- Administration > Request Setup > Request Types - option to add restrictions to specific request types.
- Administration > Organization > Districts tab - can add a district tied to a json file. Creates district boundaries. When a request is added with a location, it will automatically be associated with a district. Can then filter results in Request Search by district.
Additional Information