Munis error inserting journal data - Journal created but couldn't be posted when invoicing in Versatrans Trip Tracker

Description of Issue

When invoicing a trip in Versatrans an error occurs stating:
There was an error in processing your transaction through Munis at this time. Please contact your system administrator as well as Transportation for any scheduling issues.

Activity Log error:
Munis Error - Error inserting journal data, status: -206 Journal was created but couldn't be posted. It can be posted manually in Munis.

Journal is created in EERP but the site cannot post manually as this will break the sync between VTTT and EERP. This leaves orphaned proof GEN and GEL. This issue comes and goes, does not happen consistently. Was originally thought to be linked to timing of the Payroll posting. 

  • Versatrans Trip Tracker

  • Enterprise ERP

  • glwshdlr

  • glcjeent



The research ticket MUN-449903 is currently open with Development to investigate this issue.

Additional Information

For now, sites should wait a day or so and attempt the invoice again to ensure no error is received.
Munis Error - Error inserting journal data status -206