How to Prevent Pay Codes in Munis from Importing into ExecuTime

Description of Issue

How can I exclude certain pays from integrating into ExecuTime from Munis?

  • Payroll

  • Pay Master

  • ExecuTime

  • System Configuration

  • Tyler Integration

  • Filters



A filter can be created in ExecuTime based on the ESS Time Entry field in Pay Master.

  1. Go into Pay Master in Munis (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  2. Search and Accept to view all Pay Codes. 

  3. Note the ESS Time Entry field. 

    1. Define this field with Y-Time Entry for pays that should integrate into ExecuTime. 

  4. Log into ExecuTime with Admin credentials. 

  5. Click System Configuration.

  6. Click Tyler Integration Tab.

  7. On the Pay Code Import line, there is a Filter column with a pencil icon. Click the Edit Pencil icon. 

  8. Define the following: IsEssVisible eq 'Y'

    1. This define means to import pay codes where the ESS Time Entry field equals Y-Time Entry.

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