Find Cashiering Client Version

Find Cashiering Client Version

Description of Issue

How to find the version of the Tyler Cashiering Client currently installed

  • Tyler Cashiering


The Tyler Cashiering Client doesn't show the version  


To find the Tyler Cashiering Client version installed on a computer please do the following:

  1. Open the Windows File Explorer

  2. Navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies\Cashiering

  3. Find the Tyler.Cashiering.UI.Wpf.exe > Right click and select Properties

  4. Click on the Details tab and in the middle, you will find Product Version

From the desktop shortcut

  1. Right click Tyler Cashiering shortcut

  2. Select Open file location

  3. Right click Tyler.Cashiering.UI.wpf.exe > select Properties

  4. Click on the Details tab and in the middle, you will find the Product Version

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