Pay Master ESS Time Entry determinants

Description of Issue

Site is specifically wondering if the option Y-TIME ENTRY allows time be entered against the pay code in ESS Timesheets by the employee or only the supervisor

  • Enterprise ERP 

  • EERP

  • Human Capital Management 

  • Payroll 

  • Employee Pending Time Entry

  • Payroll Setup

  • Pay Master

  • Employee Self Service

  • ESS




ESS Time Entry determines how this pay type should be used in ESS time entry processes

  • N–No Access: The pay code does not display in ESS

  • D–Display Only: The pay code displays in ESS Time Entry but employees are not allowed to enter hours or days

    • This can be used, for instance, for accrual pays for which employees are not allowed to enter time

  • R–Accrual Requests: The pay code displays in ESS Time Entry and employees are allowed to enter hours or days

    • Time entered for this pay is processed as an accrual request and not recorded in Employee Pending Time Entry

  • Y–Time Entry: The pay code displays in ESS Time Entry and employees are allowed to enter hours or days

    • Time entered for this pay is recorded in Employee Pending Time Entry

Additional Information

Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with any additional questions