Enterprise ERP - Integrate QuickBooks

Description of Issue

Is there a way to to integrate QuickBooks with Enterprise ERP (powered by Munis)?

  • Integration
  • QuickBooks
  • 3rd Party Software

Site performs some actions in QuickBooks instead of Tyler Software and wants to represent that data in the General or Project Ledger

  • Enterprise ERP (powered by Munis) does not integrate with QuickBooks.  
  • Sites do have the option of using manual journal entry to represent data in a 3rd party program in our software for General and Project Ledgers. 
    • General Journal Entry/Proof can enter GEN or GCR actual journals
    • Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof can enter GEL for encumbrance/liquidations
      • if Purchase Orders and Contract programs are not used to record and post to ledger
    • Budget Transfer and Amendments can enter BUA for budget
    • The Accounting Entries program gives access to all 3 transaction types and programs as well
    • Finally the Journal Import program can also bring these journals into the system as long as site follows file format with matching data file 
      • Most find the custom template option the easiest way to bring in data from other systems