Employee did not generate into payroll-Employee Groups

Employee did not generate into payroll-Employee Groups

Description of Issue

A group of recently hired employees did not pull into the newest payroll. All of the pay records have an Effective Date that falls within the payroll period.

  • Payroll

  • Generate Earnings and Deductions

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Employee Groups


Site generates using Employee Group range, and the employees were never added to the Employee Group. 

  1. Navigate to Human Capital Management>Human Resources>Employee Job/Pay Classification>Employee Groups.

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter Employee information.

  4. Choose Employee Group from dropdown menu.

  5. Click Accept

Payroll can be regenerated with Continue option to pull in the employees, or they can be manually added for this warrant in Earnings and Deductions. Above steps will allow them to generate in for future payrolls. 

Additional Information

Also available are Import and Generate Options. 

  • Import file will require Group ID, Employee ID and Action Flag. 

  • To Generate Employees in, click Generate, define with information, and click Output to review proof, then return to Employee Groups and say Yes to post the results.