Not Able to Create a Refund Because the Balance Does Not Match Prin Ref Column

Description of Issue

In Bill Refund Processing, the Balance column shows a credit but the Prin Ref column does not populate with this credit amount and may show $0. 

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Bill Refund Processing (arrefund) 

An installment line on the bill the refund is being generated for is over-abated. 

  1. Navigate to the Bill Inquiry program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Bill Inquiry 
  2. Enter the CategoryYear, and Bill Number of the bill the refund is being generated for. 
  3. Click Go. 
  4. On the Installments tab, confirm that the amount in the Abt/Adj column is negative and greater than the amount in the installment's Billed column. 
  5. If this is the case, the installment is over-abated. Each installment line should only be abated up to the billed amount for that installment. There are two solutions for this issue. 
    1. The cleanest solution for this issue is below: 
      1. First reverse the abatement following the steps outlined here: Reverse or Undo Bill Posted and GL Posted Abatements
      2. Then enter the abatement again paying close attention to the installment distribution of the abatement so that no installment is over-abated. The steps to do this can be found here: Change or Update an Abatement Amount
      3. After reversing the original abatement and creating and posting the new abatement with the correct installment distribution, delete the original refund by following the steps outlined here: Delete a Single Unposted Refund in Bill Refund Processing
      4. Once the original refund is deleted, add the refund in again by following the steps here: How to Refund a Bill
      5. The refund should generate for the correct amount. 
    2.  The fastest solution for this issue is the following: Manually Update a Refund Amount

Development is researching the issue of Abatement Entry allowing a given bill installment line to become over-abated.

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact the tax support team for the appropriate region.