Accidentally deleted a Role from Munis

Accidentally deleted a Role from Munis

Description of Issue

A role was deleted from Munis and site needs to recreate.




User error


If the Role is still intact in another Munis environment, the deleted Role can be exported from that environment and imported into the environment where it is missing. Please see: Export and Import Munis Roles and Users

If the Role is not available for export from another Munis environment, the Role will need to be added back to Munis from scratch. 

Once the Role has been recreated users can be added back to the Role in the Roles program:

  1. Select the Assigned Users tab
  2. Select Assign to User
  3. Select the users to add. Hints are available under Multi-row selection hints if you wish to add more than one user at a time.
  4. Select Accept to save 
Additional Information

There is a prompt prior to delete a role:

Confirm Delete Role

Role 'XXXX' is assigned to X users. Are you sure - Ok to DELETE ROLE 'XXXX'?

If the intent is to delete the assigned users from a role, please see: Remove role from munis user