TX TSDS PEIMS is moving to Ed Fi 3.0 API Data Standard

Description of Issue

What is the expected release date for the TX PEIMS upgrade changed to Ed-Fi 3.0 data standard?

  • Payroll

  • Financials

  • Texas

  • TX TSDS Reporting



TEA opened Parallel for LEAs after Labor Day, with a September 6th kickoff meeting. 

Tyler opened Parallel on September 15th. 

The TX TSDS Reporting program was made available in all non-retired Versions 2019.1.22 & higher on August 24, 2023 as follows: 

  • Version 2019.1.22 - MUN-467546 or Tyler Deploy Release Version 2019.1.22.3020

  • Version 2021.6 - Tyler Deploy Release 2021.6.0.1519

  • Version 2021.7 - Tyler Deploy Release 2021.7.0.1242

  • Version 2021.8 - Tyler Deploy Release 2021.8.0.947

  • Version 2021.9 - Tyler Deploy Release 2021.9.0.588

  • Version 2021.10 - Tyler Deploy Release 2021.10.0.241

Setup and Processing details are available with the following links: 

You will be in charge of deciding which submissions you participate in with TEA.

As you make your way through the process, please keep in mind that we have a year to work together to mold this program into a masterpiece and we're excited to work with you!

If you encounter QUESTIONS or ISSUES-

Please reach out to State Reporting Support.  We can be reached through the Tyler portal, by email to MunisStateReporting@tylertech.com, or by phone at 1-800-772-2260 x3827. 

If you have FEEDBACK -

Please share details on the Texas - What's on your mind? Forum on Tyler Community so everyone has an opportunity to weigh in.  If there's a data scenario that you routinely maintain in PEIMS, you will likely need to maintain in TSDS as well, but those are the kinds of things we want to talk about!  If you're maintaining before you send the API, please reach out here to describe the scenario so we can review it further together, and determine whether or not there's a better solution.Â