Upgrading Tyler HUB

Upgrading Tyler HUB

Description of Issue

Can we have our Tyler HUB upgraded to the latest version?

  • Enterprise ERP (Munis)

  • Hub

  • Upgrade

  • Tyler deploy



  1. Navigate to tylerdeploy.com

  2. In the left navigation menu, under Deployment, expand Product Deployments and select Tyler Hub

  3. Select Environment

  4. In the Product Release tab click on the Channel drop-down to select the major version of your Tyler Hub (i.e 2021.1, 2021.2, etc

  5. Click on the Release dropdown and select the desired release version (i.e 2021.1.8.0, 2021.1.8.1, 2021.1.8.2, etc)

    1. It is optional to have the Check Prereqs box checked. If prereqs are missing on any of the target servers, the deployment will not run.

      1. Prereqs can be checked/installed in advance: Install Server Prerequisites in Tyler Deploy

    2. You do not need to have the Force Redeployment box checked. This is used by support for troubleshooting purposes.

  6. Use the now-later toggle button if you would like to schedule the update for a later time or leave off to start immediately

  7. Click Start to begin update or Schedule if you are scheduling to run at a later time

Note: For further assistance, please contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal

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