Budget projection import does not update projection to only include accounts within the import file

Description of Issue

When importing summary amounts into an existing budget projection, the budget projection does not remove the accounts that were not included in the import file

  • Define/Start Budget Projection


This is not the intended functionality of the budget projection import


There is currently no budget projection import functionality that will perform the removal of projection accounts that are not in the import file.

If the user is looking to have only the accounts within the import file remain on the projection, they have two options:

  1. Create a new projection using the import file

  2. Manually remove the accounts from the existing projection that are not on the import file

For any questions regarding budget projection imports, please contact Enterprise ERP General Ledger Support.

Additional Information

When importing summary amounts to an existing projection, only the accounts that are in the import file are updated.

If there are any accounts within the projection that are not in the import file, they are left in the same state as prior to the import with no changes to the entered amounts on those accounts. 

The closest similar feature would be the Replace existing detail feature for importing budget details, which removes all detail in the projection and replaces it with what is on the budget detail import file. But this only deletes the pre-existing detail, not the accounts within the projection.