Blend Rate for Calc Code 94 Pay is Including End Dated Pay Amount

Description of Issue

In Employee Job Salary, employee has a Pay Code that is in the Blend Folder of another Pay Code they have that is Calc Code 94. The Pay from the Blend Folder is End Dated but the Amount is being included in the Blend Rate of the Calc Code 94 Pay and it should not. 

  • Payroll

  • Employee Maintenance

  • Employee Job Salary


In Payroll> Employee Maintenance> Employee Job Salary, the Pay in the Blend Folder is End Dated after the Effective Start Date of the CC 94 Pay that is attached.


There are two options to correct:

1) In Job Salary, on Base Pay Record, click Duplicate, and define Effective Date to be a Date after the Pay End Date of Pay from Pay Master CC 94 Blend Folder, click Accept. 

2) In Job Salary, click Update, and update Pay End Date of Pay Code from CC 94 Blend Folder, define a Pay End Date prior to Effective Start Date of the CC 94 Pay, Accept.

After the Duplicate/Update, in Job Salary, search for the CC 94 Pay Code, click Recalc and click Accept.

Additional Information

After the Recalc of the CC 94 Pay Code, the Rate should adjust to remove the Amount from the Pay that is in the Blend Folder and is End Dated in Job Salary. Â