Miscellaneous Receipt missing Revenue account
Miscellaneous Receipt missing Revenue account
Description of Issue
- A Miscellaneous Receipt was entered and is missing a Revenue account.
- Miscellaneous Receipts are missing GL accounts.
- Cannot post a batch because a Miscellaneous Receipt is missing GL accounts.
- Receiving the error Category 02 Charge Code XXXXX, year XXXX, is missing a GL account of type 2. in Payments Journal.
- Accounts Receivable
- Miscellaneous Cash Receipts
- Payment Entry (arbilinq)
- Payments Journal (arrctpst)
- Tyler Cashiering
There are multiple known causes of this issue:
- The User has the Accounts Receivable User Preference to Print G/L Accounts on Miscellaneous Receipts enabled and tabbed past the Revenue Account line when entering the Miscellaneous Receipt without adding a Revenue Account.
- The Miscellaneous receipt was created in Tyler Cashiering.
See this article for more information about workarounds and updates from Development: Payments Journal posting error Charge Code is missing a GL account of type 2
Additional Information
If additional assistance is required, please contact General Billing Support.