Backdating a step increase after posting a COLA increase
Backdating a step increase after posting a COLA increase
Description of Issue
We have numerous employees, who may get a COLA in July of a year, but then months later get a step increase that has to go before July. How do i do this so i can track all the pay changes?
How would I back date a Mass Step Increase that is Effective Dated before the most recent salary increase?
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Employee Job/Salary
Mass Step Increase
Salary Tables
Mass Contract Changes
Salary increases / raises
Lets say Mass Contract Changes were posted for a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for 7/1/23. And then need to post step increases for 5/1/23.
Post a Mass Step Increase for Effective Date 5/1/23
Run an Employee Import to update the step on the Employee Job/Salary records that are Effective Dated 7/1/23
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