Unable to use the 'Add' button in Account Master

Description of Issue

When in the Account Master program, the Add button cannot be used in order to create a new GL Account.

  • General Ledger
  • Account Master
  • System Administration
  • Security
  • User Attributes
  • Roles
  • The user does not have the 'General maintenance on accounts' GL permission.
  • The user will need this permission in order to create accounts.

In order to grant the user with this permission:

System Administration>Security>User Attributes

  1. Click Search
  2. Enter the User's ID
  3. Click Accept
  4. Highlight the Role that you would like to add this permission to, and click Edit Role
  5. Click into the General Ledger section of this Role
  6. Click Update
  7. Check the box to turn on the General maintenance on accounts permission
  8. Click Accept
Additional Information

Please note: applying any changes to a Role will apply those changes for any other users who also may be tied to the Role.