'Project's available budget must be the same as its Major Project' error when setting up a Project in Project Master

Description of Issue

When creating a Project in the Project Master program, the following error occurs:

Project's available budget must be the same as its Major Project.


Project Ledger

Project Master


This error occurs if this Project's 'Project available budget' setting is not the same as it is on its Major Project.


To correct this Project's available budget setting and resolve this error:

  1. Take note of what this Project's 'Major project' setting is on the Project Master screen
  2. Click Search
  3. In the 'Project' field, enter that Major Project code
  4. Click Accept
  5. Take note of what this Project's 'Project available budget' setting is
  6. Click Search
  7. Bring up your original Project again where you were receiving this error
  8. Click Accept
  9. Click Update
  10. Update the 'Project available budget' setting to the one of the Major Project
  11. Click Accept
Additional Information