Deposit transactions consolidating in Bank Reconciliation Manager

Description of Issue
  • Deposits do not look like they tie out to posted receipts
  • Munis Ref # can be found, but amount and Date are incorrect - usually much higher than expected. 
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager not showing Tyler Cashiering deposits

Deposit values are often reused by sites using Tyler Cashiering


Unmatched amounts in batches with the same Deposit field value are combined even if the transactions are posted on various dates. 

  • MUN-346367 is currently open
  • Using unique values in the Deposit field for Tyler Cashiering or Payment batches will prevent deposit amounts from consolidating. 
  • MUN-330113 was released by Development (2018.25+ , 2019.16+) to break out receipts under a Deposit by date. This will prevent receipt amounts posted on separate days from consolidating.
  • A clear date can only be set on a Deposit when all receipts in a Deposits have been matched. 
Additional Information
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager ,The Munis Ref # field  = General Ledger Journal, Reference 3 on line detail = Payments Journal, Deposit field for each receipt