How to identify if Secondary Balancing is in use
- Does site use secondary balancing?
- What segment do they use for balancing?
Transaction out of balance errors
DTDF errors
Secondary Balancing is when a site is set up to be balanced by Fund/Segment. Sites can use secondary balancing for all funds or specific funds. Below are ways to recognize if secondary balancing is in use.
Financials > General Ledger Menu > General Ledger Settings
Balancing Level field
- Blank: Site is not set for secondary balancing (Note: sometimes this value is blank, even though the site does use secondary balancing for some funds)
- Segment: All funds balance to the segment set in this field
- Fund: Secondary balancing segment for each fund is defined in the Chart of Account Segments program.
Financials > General Ledger Menu > Chart of Account Segments
Search on the Fund Segment > Secondary balancing level field
- No Secondary balancing field: Fund does not balance to segment
- Secondary balancing: Fund balances to the defined segment
Control Accounts folder: Most funds have about 12 (GL Budgetary Control in use) control accounts, when set up to balance by segment there should be about 12 control accounts for each Fund/Segment combination
Financials > General Ledger Menu > Due To/Due From Setup
- Due To Due From records will use the Due To Object fields rather than the Due To Account fields for DTDF entries.
- If pooled cash or a treasury fund is in use, the pooled cash fund may use the Due to Account fields
If General Ledger Settings has had the Secondary Balancing value changed and is set to anything other than Defined By Fund, GL Support can confirm individual fund balancing criteria.