How to Grant Permission to Generate a Budget Projection

How to Grant Permission to Generate a Budget Projection

Description of Issue
  • Budget permission to add a budget projection
  • The Gen button is not displaying in Define/Start Budget Projection
  • Define/Start Budget Projection 
  • User Attributes

Only users granted permission to the highest budget level can create budget projections


In versions 2018.1 and higher, users must have the Maximum budget level permission:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set/Up Chart of Accounts > General Ledger Settings > (Budget Settings tab if 2018.1 and above

  1. Make a note of the highest budget level

System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Search User
  2. Highlight relevant role
  3. Select Edit role (may impact multiple users)
  4. Select Budgeting folder
  5. Update
  6. Select the dropdown for Maximum budget level
  7. Select the highest budget level 
  8. Accept
  9. Back
  10. Back
  11. Select Reset Files from the Ribbon
  12. Ok 
  13. Ok

User must have closed Define/Start Budget Projection program for new permissions to be  applied.

In versions 2017.1 and below, the Maximum budget level must be set to '5' regardless of the maximum budget level set in the system.

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