The request failed with HTTP status 404 Not Found error in Munis Excel Ribbon

Description of Issue

Error when using Get Budget in Munis Excel Ribbon


The Request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found

  • Munis Excel Ribbon
  • Budget Excel Ribbon

Web Service URL defined in the settings of the Munis Excel Ribbon is not correct.


The Web Service URL should come directly from Munis in the Web Services program

System Administration > General Administration > Web Services

  1. Hit Browse and double-click the record for Module mo
  2. Copy the WSDL base URL and paste that into the Web Service URL in the Munis Excel Ribbon
  3. Add mowshdlr to the end of the URL and then hit OK

Example Web Service URL: 

Additional Information

This setting needs to be updated in the Excel Ribbon settings in Excel, this is not a change within Munis.

For SaaS Sites, the URL may have too many characters for the program to display. All site's should have /munis/gas/svc/ws/r/mugws/mowshdlr at the end of the URL.

After adding any missing characters, if the issue remains, contact Financial General Ledger Support for further assistance.