Missing journal numbers in Unused Journals - Mass Change Period option in Month End Manager

Description of Issue

Mass Change Period option in Month End Manager program does not generate unused journal records reflecting that the Year/Period was changed

  • Month End Manager
  • Mass Change Period

When using the "Mass Change Period" option in Month End Manager, the original journal does not generate a record for Unused Journals indicating the Year/Period was changed. 

  • MUN-375868 has been released to correct this issue and Mass Change Period option will generate unused journal records reflecting the original journal year/period was changed.
  • Contact General Ledger Support for assistance with records that failed to generate prior to the release of MUN-375868.
Additional Information

Support can assist in updating Unused Journals to reflect the missing journal numbers.

Missing Journals - cannot locate in Journal Number Control or Journal Inquiry Print

Information on Journals Deleted from Proof