Position Budget Request Unknown error on fetch - status: 100 when adding a Position Change Request

Description of Issue
  • Position Control Request Form is returning an error
  • When trying to save a Position Change with a new Effective Date and getting an "Unknown error message 100"
  • Munis
  • Position Change Request
  • Position Budget Request
  • Versions 2018.1, 2019.1
  • Database error with effective date
  • The Add transaction cannot process a record with an Effective Date different than that of the original record
  • For 2018.1 this has been resolved in Service Pack 25
    • Release Date 12/07/2020

  • For 2019.1 this has been resolved in Service Pack 17
    • Released 08/03/2020

  • As a work around, you can use the Add to populate the Position Change Request using the same Effective Date as the original Position Control record and then use the Update function to change the Effective Date field after
Additional Information
  • Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions