User does not have pencil icon in Hub menu - Content Manager is not granted to user

Description of Issue

User does not have pencil icon in Hub Menu.

User does not have Content Manager menu option in Tyler Hub.

  • Tyler Hub
  • User Management
  • User Application Rights

Tyler Hub Role is restricted for end user.

  1. Select the Administration gear icon from the menu on the left side Tyler Hub landing page.
  2. Under User Management select Role Maintenance.
  3. Under User Application Rights select Editor.
  4. Select the Add Users field.
  5. Select the checkbox next to usernames to add the Editor role.
  6. Click outside of the drop down to close.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.
  8. The user will need to close and reopen the browser for the new permissions to load.
Additional Information

To update Hub permissions, you must be a Hub System Administrator.

An Editor has the ability to edit their own Hub content, add cards and create custom pages from Content Library and have these additional context menu options: Card Designer, Delete Card, and change visualization.

Please review the Master Article - Tyler Hub for all related topics.