Work order inventory detail records display incorrect account information

Description of Issue

Work order inventory detail records display incorrect account information:

  • Accounts from the first item on a work order display for each item added afterwards.
  • Deleting an item removes the accounts displayed for the remaining item(s) and displays them as undefined.

Tyler EAM



Install the appropriate work ticket for your version once it's been released:

  • 2018.1.26.0 - MUN-390723
  • 2018.1.27.0 - MUN-390709
  • 2018.3.14.0 - MUN-390710
  • 2019.1.18.0 - MUN-389477
  • 2019.1.19.0 - MUN-390212
  • 2019.3.12.0 - MUN-390213
  • 2019.3.13.0 - MUN-390214
  • 2020.1.0.0 - MUN-390711
  • 2020.2.0.0 - MUN-390712
  • 2020.3.0.0 - MUN-390215
  • 2020.4.0.0 - MUN-390713
Additional Information