Payflex Export in Munis

Payflex Export in Munis

Description of Issue
  • We use the vendor Payflex and noticed there is a program entitled Payflex Export, can we use this program to report to the vendor?
  • Munis
  • Payflex Export
  • Employee Benefits
  • Contract Modification
  • This program was added to Munis as a contract modification under work ticket MUN-228242 however it is available in the general stream for all clients with access to the Human Resources Module
  • A new program (pmbnpyfl) has been created to export employee deduction information, the format is for a Payflex interface and will be used specifically for billing

  1. To use the Payflex Export program
    • Menu → Human Capital Management → Human Resources → Benefit Administration → Payflex Export
  2. To run this program you must click Define in the ribbon
  3. Define an Effective Date
  4. Define the fields Benefit Coverage which should represent the Deduction Codes that required to be reported to Payflex
  5. Define a Benefit Coverage Subsidiary (optional) if you need to report an employer paid deduction
  6. Click Accept to save the definitions
  7. Click Generate to create the report data
  8. Click Export to create the report for viewing
    • You will want to likely choose to Save to report and then retrieve it from the program My Saved Reports to retrieve it in a text file format
Additional Information
  • No official documentation exists for the Payflex Export
  • Any further modifications to the Payflex Export program will require an Enhancement Request to adjust functionality
  • Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions