Exemptions Credits Effective Date Change

Exemptions Credits Effective Date Change

Description of Issue
  • Exemptions were entered into the Exemptions/Credits program with an earlier Effective Date, and now the Effective Date needs to be updated.

  • Change Effective Date on Exemption when posting from the Exemptions/Credits program.

  • Change Effective Date on single record in Exemptions/Credits.

  • Change Effective Date on all records in Exemptions/Credits.

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Exemptions/Credits (txexcred)

  • Effective Date


Exemption records in the Exemptions/Credits program need their Effective Date updated.


Change the Effective Date on a single record in the Exemptions/Credits program:

  1. Navigate to the Exemptions/Credits program either by searching or via the following path: Property Revenues Property Tax Billing Region > State Assessor Processing and Reports Actual Taxes Exemptions/Credits

  2. Click Search. 

  3. Enter the search criteria for the record that needs to be updated, like Property and Exemption

  4. Click Accept. 

  5. If more than one record returns, use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to navigate to the desired record

  6. Once the desired record is located, click Update.

  7. Enter the desired Effective Date.

  8. Click Accept.

Change the Effective Date on all records in the Exemptions/Credits program when Generating:

  1. Navigate to the Exemptions/Credits program either by searching or via the following path: Property Revenues Property Tax Billing Region > State Assessor Processing and Reports Actual Taxes Exemptions/Credits

  2. Click Generate.

  3. Click Define.

  4. Fill out the Define as desired.

  5. Be sure to select the box Override Effective Date. This will use today's date as the Effective Date when generating the Exemptions/Credits.

  6. Click Accept.

Additional Information

If additional assistance is needed, please contact Northeast Tax Support.