Modify a Contract Retainage Schedule

Modify a Contract Retainage Schedule

Description of Issue

A Contract was entered and posted with a specific retainage schedule. Invoices were paid using this contract that took retainage. Is there a way to modify the retainage schedule to change what retains on invoices going forward?

  • Munis

  • Purchasing 


Contract Retainage functionality 

  • Once invoices with retainage have been applied against the contract, the retainage schedule cannot be modified

  • If a user clicks update and attempts to change the retainage schedule, they will receive a message: Retainage has already been taken. The schedule can no longer be updated

  • This message is a true restriction, and the schedule cannot be updated

Additional Information

Though the schedule cannot be updated, if the user has proper Accounts Payable Role permissions to Override retainage amounts, they should be able to modify the retainage amount on the specific Invoice within Invoice Entry by clicking into the Withholding folder and changing the amounts