TSDS Staff Assignments - Records Missing

TSDS Staff Assignments - Records Missing

Description of Issue
  • Responsibility records are not being created for this employee. 
  • Staff Assignment records are missing for this employee. 
  • Payroll
  • Financials
  • Texas
  • TX TSDS Reporting


  1. Confirm that a Staff Entity record Generated.  If not, see TSDS Staff Records - Record not Generating for this employee.
  2. Did you create a TSDS assignment record for this employee in the Employee Assignments program? 
    1. No → Move on to Step 3.
    2. Yes →
      1. Confirm that the Assignment code on the Employee Assignments record starts with SA, SE, SR or SS.  If it doesn't, it needs to.
      2. Confirm that the Job Class code on the Employee Assignments record matches the Job Class code on the Base Pay record that was active on the Snapshot date.  If it doesn't, it needs to. 
  3. Review the Service ID field in the Job Class Master for the Job Class code on this employee's Base Pay record(s) active on the Snapshot date.  The value in the Service ID field has to start with SA, SE, SR or SS for a Staff Assignments record to Generate. 
Additional Information