New premium table amounts not flowing to Employee Deductions
Created new premium tables for health insurance, the old amounts are still showing up in employee deductions.
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Deduction and Benefit Master
Premium Tables
Employee Deductions
Calc code in employee deductions was 02, Amount from Employee Deductions and not all premium tables had been created yet.
Open the Employee Deductions screen (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Deductions)
Search for the employee's deduction. Verify the calc code is set to 23 - Health Ins - Premium Table. If not, click Update and change the Calc Code field.
Open the Deduction and Benefit Master screen (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Deduction and Benefit Master)
Search for the deduction
Click Premium Table in the ribbon at the top and Search for the table
Make sure that the Effective Date is not in the future, or it will not show the rate in the Employee Deduction screen until that date.