Expense Claim "My approvals" is pulling in notifications erroneously

Expense Claim "My approvals" is pulling in notifications erroneously

Description of Issue

When opening approvals for employee expense claims from the Hub card or in the program, the system pulls in notifications as well. You are unable to acknowledge them in the program.

  • EERP

  • Expense Claims

  • Workflow

  • HUB Approvals


This is a software defect.


Please install MUN-495046 when available. The workaround is to either acknowledge the notifications from the Hub notification card or to mass acknowledge the notifications in the User Attributes program.

  1. Navigate to the User Attributes program (System Administration>Security>User Attributes).

  2. Click Search.

  3. Enter the user ID of the user who is receiving the notifications. 

  4. Click Accept.

  5. Click the Workflow Detail tab.

  6. Click Mass Acknowledge Notifications.

  7. Click Select.

  8. Check the boxes of the notifications you wish to acknowledge. 

  9. Click Select.

  10. Click Execute.

Additional Information