Add disability payments to W2

Add disability payments to W2

Description of Issue

Vendor paid disability payment outside of EERP, but they need to be reported on the W-2s issued by site.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll 
  • W-2 Wizard 
  • W-2 and 1099-R Processing
  • Employee Accumulators



Generate the W-2s and then manually key in the disability amounts with the correct W-2 code.

  1. Navigate to Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>W-2 Wizard.
  2. Click Adjust step.
  3. Click Maintain W-2 Records.
  4. Search for Employee.
  5. Click Accept.
  6. Click Update.
  7. Make changes to necessary values.
  8. Click Accept.

Can also manually add or import yearly accumulators for this amount and pay code, then generate the W-2s after populating the correct W-2 code on the Pay Master. How to import yearly employee accumulators

Additional Information