Generate Button Missing in Invoice Entry and Proof

Generate Button Missing in Invoice Entry and Proof

Description of Issue
  • Users can no longer Generate their General Billing Invoices.
  • Generate Button is missing from Invoice Entry and Proof after version upgrade.
  • General Revenues
  • Accounts Receivable
  • General Billing
  • Invoice Entry and Proof (arbilinq)

The Generate Button is hidden by default in Enterprise ERP version 2024.2 and up. 


No action needed, as this is intentional. The Generate functionality is an entirely optional and not typically recommended step in the Invoicing process. It was created with one specific use-case scenario in mind, and should not be used under other circumstances, as it offers no benefit and comes with potential complications. 

When to use the Generate Button in Invoice Entry and Proof

For those that still wish to use the Generate feature, a toggle has been added for whether to show this Toolbar Option or not:

  1. Navigate to General Revenues > General Billing > Setup > General Billing Settings
  2. Click Update on the Toolbar
  3. Scroll down to the Invoicing section, and check the box for Allow invoices to be generated prior to posting
  4. Click Accept to save the change
Additional Information