Election Workers Not Generating W-2

Election Workers Not Generating W-2

Description of Issue

Election workers not generating W-2 records.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • W-2 Processing

  • W-2 Wizard


W-2 Wizard has Election Worker Job Class defined and Election Workers gross wages are less than 600.00 for Social Security and/or Medicare. 

  1. Go to W-2 and 1099-R Processing (Human Recourses/Payroll>Payroll>W-2 Wizard).

  2. Click Step 3-Create, Click Dependent Care/Election Workers/Retirement Tab.

  3. Remove Election Worker Job Class Codes in From/To Fields.

  4. Click Create W-2 Records tab.

  5. Click Create W-2 Records.

    1. Prompt will show: W-2 records exist for (year). Do you wish to replace these records? Click Yes.

Additional Information
  • An Employee W-2 Record is created for Election Worker Employees in Employee W-2 program when Yearly Employee Accumulators exist with gross wages for Social Security, Medicare, Federal, or State deductions and the W-2 Wizard not defined with Job Class Codes for Election Workers. When W-2 Wizard has Election Worker Job Class Codes defined the employee must have Yearly Accumulator gross wages of 600.00 or more for Social Security and/or Medicare for Munis to create Employee W-2 record. 

  • If an election worker employee makes over $600 but less than the limit ($2000), they will need to be manually added or use the steps above.