GCR Deposit journals with null or incorrect Date - Linking to unassociated Receipt records

Description of Issue
  • Date for GCR journal entry is displaying as null or the date is incorrect.
  • Date for GCR journal entry is not the Effective Date of the journal line. 
  • GCR journal entries have receipt drop down. Receipts Deposit number (Receipt > Tender tab) does not match the journal line Ref3 for the GCR journal. 
  • Deposits should be full match, but set to Partial. When expanding Munis deposits to see the receipt/bill break out of Tender Amounts.  Tender amounts do not sum to header of deposit where its still listed as partial match

  • Bank Reconciliation Manager
  • GCR Deposit journals
  • 2019.1.16
  • 2018.1.25


MUN-383799 is currently open with Development to address the dates and receipt linking on GCR journals in Bank Reconciliation Manager.

Additional Information