Abatement Entry Refund Prompt
Abatement Entry Refund Prompt
Description of Issue
What do I chose on the refund prompt in Abatement Entry? Is there a setting to disable the Abatement Entry refund prompt? What is the proper procedure to generate refunds in Abatement Entry?
- Property Revenue
- Property Tax Billing
- Abatement Entry (txabtent)
- Bill Refund Processing (arrefund)
New functionality in Version 2019+ allow the refund process to be started when Abatements are posted in Abatement Entry.
- There is not a setting or permission to disable the refund prompt in Abatement Entry.
- Unless a System Administrator or On-Site documentation dictates otherwise, Support advises clicking "No to All" on this prompt leaving the credit balance on the bill to be refunded later: How to Refund a Bill
Additional Information
- If the error "A refund already exists for this bill" appears, see: A refund already exists for this bill
- If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support.