Child Support garnishment withholding amount of 0
For one employee, a Child Support garnishment is calculating a withholding amount of 0.00 when entered into a Payroll Warrant.
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Employee Deductions
Deduction and Benefit Master
Payroll Start and Status
Earnings and Deductions
Child Support garnishment is set up as a Calc Code 52 and had a percentage defined in the Disp Income Percent field of the Garnishment tab in Employee Deductions, but that field only functions with a Calc Code 50-Creditor Garnishment. Calc Code 52 is designed to work only with a flat amount, as that is typically how Child Support orders are issued.
Navigate to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions.
Search for Employee and Deduction.
Click Accept.
Click Update.
Enter flat amount to be withheld in Employee Amt/Pct field.
Click Garnishment tab.
Clear values from Garn Disp Income %, Garn Gross Income %, and Garn State/Fed Values fields.
These fields are only used with a Calc Code 50: Creditor Garnishment deduction.
Enter Child Support minimum and Child Support Below Min % values.
Click Accept.
If the deduction should truly be set up as a percentage, consider using another calc code, such as 50-Creditor Garnishment.