Negative Withholding for FICA
FICA is refunding an employee in Earnings and Deductions
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Payroll Processing
Earnings and Deductions
Deduction and Benefit Master
Deduction Refund
User processed a partial deduction refund without adjusting the deduction gross in the refund payroll. User must always adjust the deduction gross when processing a partial deduction refund.
Accumulator maintenance will be required because a partial deduction refund was processed and the deduction gross was not adjusted with the partial withholding. The true deduction gross must be reflected in Employee Accumulators when using the adjust for rounding setting. When adjust for rounding is enabled on a deduction the following calculation is processed:
(Year to date gross + deduction gross in payroll) multiplied by the withholding percentage, then subtracts the year to date withholding amount.
***Year to date amounts are pulled from the yearly accumulator records.***
Navigate in Tyler Menu to Employee Accumulators: Payroll > Payroll Administration > Employee Accumulators.
Search the employee number, deduction code, frequency M, and year.
Navigate to the appropriate monthly record and click Update and modify the gross to reflect the accurate deduction gross for the month.
Click Accept.
When prompted to update the corresponding accumulators, select Yes.
Close out of all Payroll Processing Screens then return to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status.
Search on the employee.
Click on the Withholding tab and double-click on the FICA deduction line
Select the Delete button in the ribbon.
Select the Add button in the ribbon to manually add the FICA deduction back into payroll
***User will need to consider issuing a revised 941 for the given quarter.***