Unable to adjust asset due to negative amount
Unable to adjust asset due to negative amount
Description of Issue
User is unable to modify LTD Depreciation with an Adjust Asset Values transaction due to an error
Current Book Value cannot be negative
Capital Assets
Faconvrt utility was run with incorrect value in depreciation Periods taken field, which caused asset values to become negative
- In Adjustments & Retirements, pull up the asset's transaction history to confirm the periods of depreciation taken during the faconvrt process.
- Navigate to the Depreciation Reversal program and reverse any depreciation that was incorrectly entered when faconvrt was run.
- For instructions on how to reverse depreciation, refer to How to reverse depreciation
- After reversing depreciation, in Adjustments & Retirements, select Transactions and click Adjust Asset Values
- Click Update
- Using the Change field, make adjustments for SOY value and Acquisition cost
- Enter the Effective date for the transaction
- Select Output/Post
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