How to reboot Linux TouchTime clocks nightly
Is there a way to reboot the Linux TouchTime clocks nightly?
*NOTE* - This process can be difficult. These changes should be made by someone familiar with managing TouchTime clocks.
With Linux, crontab can be leveraged for an automated restart on the Linux TouchTime clocks. The below instructions calls up the crontab file in editing mode, but the editor will be vi.
Login as root with putty to the timeclock's IP address
Don't have a record of the root password? Please contact Time & Attendance Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal and reference this article
At # prompt, type crontab -e
The screen will change, which is the crontab file
Enter lowercase o
This stands for 'open a line below' and the cursor will be positioned on the next line
Type the following information followed by the ESC key:
0 23 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now;
Note: The second number determines the reboot time. Any number can be used from 0-23
23 is equivalent to 11pm
21 is 9pm, 22 is 10pm
0 is 12am, 1 is 1am, 2 is 2am, and so on
ESC is not part of the command and just tells the editor to leave the insert mode
The cursor should be positioned over the ; (semicolon) now. Press ENTER
Type :wq
(colon, w, q) - informs write the file and quit
If a mistake was made, hit ESC a few times (usually beeps) followed by :q!
(Colon,q,!) tells the editor to abandon changes and retry
This will schedule the clock to reboot nightly at 11pm or at time of choosing